
For over 50 years we have been working hard to provide the best products and most reliable service to our wholesale customers, to ensure you have the product you demand when you want it.

We specialise in ‘mixed pallet’ orders, which simply means if you want 30 of one size/species and 30 of another then this is no problem at all. To do business with us you don’t have to buy full pallets like most tree farms.

To provide the best service for our customers we make sure first of all we have the best products. We do this by only selling trees which are locally British grown which are worked on and cared for all year round. The majority of our trees come from our Farms in Lancashire where we grow mainly Nordman Firs along with Fraser Firs and Norway Spruce. Due to the climate we have noticed our Lodgepole Pine trees don’t seem to grow as good here than they do in our Forrest in the Scottish highlands, therefore all of our pine trees are cut from there.


How to order?

To order your trees you’ll have to contact us directly via email or phone call. We provide trees from 4ft - 8ft on pallets and anything larger we transport loose for a delivery date of your choice, although we can only guarantee certain dates for so many customers so we work on a first come first serve basis.

Contact us at:



call us on and leave us a message if no answer : 01695723201